Hi Rosalina!
The slope is really minimal. From 1.00m to 1.75 very gradually. Its doing better now. I’m probably a bit over enthusiastic!
Robot has been in 4 times now and seems to be doing better now. Charging is fine now. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough before charging.
The lights remain confusing. Do you have to wait until the charger light is green? And what is the self-test?
Regards, Nicolette
Hi, Nicolette
The light on the charger changes from red to green during the charging process. Sometimes, it doesn’t change to green even it’s fully charged due to the delay of the charger itself.
The lights on the robot turns from red to green and finally turns white and in breathing mode during the whole charging process.
Check this post to see more insturctions on the indicator lights.
You can think of the self-test as a test of the environment the robot is in. This process will last for a few minutes.
Please don’t worry. You can always find me here to help.
Still fighting with the lights. Seem to have a life of their own. When the robot has finished charging, the adapter is green but the robot lights have gone from green breathing to all red. And then it happily goes on to work for more than 3 hours. What does it mean? I’ll try the other charger next time.
Regards, Nicolette
Hi, Nicolette
How long have you charged the machine, it is likely that the over temperature protection has been activated. Please take it to somewhere cooler.
The recommended environment temperature for charging is 0-40℃.
Do not charge your robot in unfavorable temperatures, e.g. in heat exposure.
The power supply should be placed in a well ventilated and shaded location.
Hi Rosalina!
Its in a relatively cool place, 25 degrees C. It charges quite quickly but shortly afterwards it is red.
Regards, Nicolette
Does the robot work normally?
Yes, thats the funny thing. As I said, it goes around for more than 3 hours.
Got that. Let me have a further research on it.
Are you using fast charger? If so, please unplug the charger wait 10 minutes and charge again.
Overtemperature protection is usually activated automatically.
Hi Rosalina,
I charfed the robot with the small charger twice, no problems there. Then I used the other charger again, no problem there either! The lights lead a life of their own…
Thankfulliy no more red lights for now.
Regards, Nicolette
Mine is blinking white lights and will not shut off. What to do?
Let me contact you for more information.
I have used my X11 twice and it cleaned well. Brought it indoors to protect it from high temps. It was switched off. Overnight it began flashing a solid white light and making a smallish clicking noise - this has continued for several hours. It is not plugged into its charger.
Let me contact you.
I am also having an issue with all 11 lights flashing white. When I plug it in, lights are steady white but as soon as I unplug it, they start rapidly flashing again.
Update, tried to run it, it is giving me 2 red on each side and the 7 middle are green but it will not run. We tried to plug it back in and it gives us the same thing.
We have only had this for 4 days.
Hi, there
Let me contact you for more information.
Hi, there
Let me contact you for more information.
Hi Rosalina,
I have been using the robot every day since I received it and I am quite happy with it. But the lights still lead this life of their own, like I mentioned below. Ant suggestions?
Regards, Nicolette
Can you take a picture of it to better explain the problem?