Will it get stuck on some shaped drain covers?

Hi there. I replied you through private message. Please check.

These are all easy fixes. Mine would get stuck at least 3x’s each cleaning. now it NEVER gets stuck. https://www.maindrainclipon.com

Can you post a video of the Smorobot bumping into this drain clip and not getting stuck?


Any updates on this? Can we also get the Fast or floor only option back? When my unit was working I felt it spent 2 hours on the walls alone and missed half the floor each clean.

I don’t have video of it but trust me. It bumps them and turns around. Plus, it can’t even get a seal to stick itself even if it did climb the bracket

Did you install the version and the problem persists?
We don’t have other new versions for now.
I can send you our former versions separately.

Is Jay still there with the company? He helped me a lot before.

Yes. How can we help?


We are also having issues with the Tank X11 getting stuck on the main drains, approximately 9" x 1". We are also having issues with the lights staying on when the switch is in the off position.

Please don’t worry. I will help with the issue.

Getting stuck on my drains too. What can I do?