[Kickstarter] Claim your Certificate of Hornor and VIP Membership

I need my vip please
And u haven’t receive my shipment details

Backer #141

Can you please update my profile as well? Thank you.

Good morning Rosalina,
I would like to claim my certificate and VIP membership as backer 396. By the way could you explain the advantages of having that certificate and VIP membership or maybe give me a link where the explanations are available.
Thank you,

I would like to claim my certificate and VIP membership as backer 106.


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Hi I am an early backer. Please upgrade my permissions and add me to VIP, issue certificate etc.

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No problem. Will send you later.

Done. Please wait for the ceritificate of hornor.

Early bird as well here and waiting for certificate.

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Hi, i also an early kickstarter backer, set status and permissions.
Thomas Wegert

Hi, there. Please send me the email address you used to purchase the order. So I can get you registered.

hi rosalina,
the used mail-adress for purchase cannot send mails. it is only a receive-box with forward to me. i use thet, to check, where my email adresses used and in many ways lost my data.
i still wait for my certificate, the automatic creation fails with my another sender email-adress.

Thomas Wegert from Germany

Hi, Thomas

I got your message. I will send you the certificate of hornor this week through message.
Thanks for the explanation.


No answer yet please i need mine

Let me contact you in private.

Hi I was a backer from the kickstarter campaign. Please send my certificate and change my permissions. Also I have no yet received my free accessories, fast charger, extra filters, and gift that was meant to be included with my kickstarter backing.

Hi @Rosalina
Please add me to the list of Kickstarter backers. Thank you.

Hi there. Welcome to join us.
I changed your permission. Will give you the certificate of hornor later.

I changed your permission. Will give you the certificate of hornor later.
The extras are shipped separately. They are still on the way for now.

Hi I was a Kickstarter. Please change my permissions.

No problem. Welcome to join us.
I changed your permissions. The certificate of hornor will be sent to in private.